Today I find a really nice search engine, memorized this name: Spock
Spock is a people search engine, that is beginning but have all to be an outstanding website, in this site we can find lots of new and old people and know all about them, you can find friends that you don’t see at long time isn’t this fantastic?
So Spock is a people searchthat allows you to find your perfect love or the news of your favorite actor/actress, author, model, athlete or singers like Just Girls and it is really easy to find those people in this people search, you only have to fill in the name, e-mail or a tag (like singer, just girls, morangos com açúcar, whatever) and the results will just appear as you wish!
You also can invite your friends, from MSN, Hotmail, etc., to join the club, to grow and be stronger.
I made a lot of really funny searches to try out this people search and now I will show you some of themes I choose four different examples.
See the examples below: – Our Prime Minister José Socrates – Morangos Fans - 4 taste
What do you think?
And now take a look at this:
In a near future this website will have a Flash widget that can handle all searches. They are working on it!
If you have any doubt please leave a comment and I will answer as soon as I can to all the questions you may have.
Now just enjoy Spock the best people search ever and good searches for all, hope to see Just Girls in the next search because they are the best female singers of Portugal and they deserve all the best.
Just Girls
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just girls feat. gutto - o jogo começou
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